Category Archives: Marine

Why we use Thorgrip™

Thorgrip provides excellent quality anti-skid surfacing with a cost-effective solution suitable to many everyday situations and applications. Application of Thorgrip means that it provides areas of safe access for anyone who uses those treated surfaces. What is Thorgrip? Thorgrip is … Continue reading

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The Importance of Anti Slip Surfacing

Slips and trips can have drastic consequences, particularly when you are operating in a risky environment such as the ramp of a boat or a pedestrian bridge. This is why anti slip surfacing is so important: it helps to keep everyone safe, … Continue reading

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Thortech International meets quality and safety standards against the clock

  Thortech’s products and services literally support all these varied individuals going about their daily lives, whether they are aware of it or not. That’s because our waterproofing products and anti-slip surfaces are there to make sure people get around … Continue reading

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Our Bridges & Marine Deck Systems

Top quality bridges and marine deck systems are essential for both commercial and private uses. Our bridges and marine deck systems are durable, sturdy, and highly functional. We provide hard wearing and slip resistant surfaces for all kinds of bridges … Continue reading

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A Brief History of the Royal Navy

The Royal Navy’s official history begins in the 1600s, after the restoration of King Charles 2nd who had inherited 154 ships that had been acquired by King Henry 8th before him. However, for more than a thousand years before this … Continue reading

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The 5 Most Expensive Cruise Ships Ever Built

The Cruise Ship business is a highly competitive one with the biggest names producing larger ships with a greater passenger capacity and a wider range of on board facilities to attract tourists. With some described as literally being “cities on … Continue reading

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The 7 Busiest Ports in the World

Container shipping remains one of the most important ways of transporting goods across the globe. Here are the 7 biggest trading ports in the world that each year handle millions of containers carrying goods to far-flung places. They are ranked … Continue reading

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A Brief History of Ship-Building

Recovered in a morgue in Egypt, one of the oldest ships dates back to around 3000BC and is believed to have been constructed 5, 000 years before when it was owned by a Pharaoh. Unlike the modern and sophisticated vessels … Continue reading

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What’s The World’s Grandest Ship Of All Time?

Trying to pick the world’s grandest ship of all time is a hard one to call. Do we mean grand, as in appearance? Or perhaps grand as in size; or maybe a combination of both is the way to go. … Continue reading

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Top 5 Largest Ships Ever Built

Large ships are an incredible display of modern engineering. When we think of the largest ships ever built the Titanic will often spring to mind. However, there are an array of lesser-known ships which would dwarf the Titanic would it … Continue reading

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