Category Archives: Environment

Why we use Thorgrip™

Thorgrip provides excellent quality anti-skid surfacing with a cost-effective solution suitable to many everyday situations and applications. Application of Thorgrip means that it provides areas of safe access for anyone who uses those treated surfaces. What is Thorgrip? Thorgrip is … Continue reading

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The Importance of Anti Slip Surfacing

Slips and trips can have drastic consequences, particularly when you are operating in a risky environment such as the ramp of a boat or a pedestrian bridge. This is why anti slip surfacing is so important: it helps to keep everyone safe, … Continue reading

Posted in Bridges, Environment, Helipads, Marine, Ships | Leave a comment

Thortech International meets quality and safety standards against the clock

  Thortech’s products and services literally support all these varied individuals going about their daily lives, whether they are aware of it or not. That’s because our waterproofing products and anti-slip surfaces are there to make sure people get around … Continue reading

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Why Choose Us?

Are you looking for good reasons to choose this company? The biggest reason is without a doubt our expertise. We aren’t just up to date on industry standards; we keep pushing boundaries by drawing from the state of the art. … Continue reading

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Why we Recycle Construction Material and Why You Should Too

    At present, the vast majority of construction waste ends up in landfills, with approximately 8,000lbs worth of landfill waste produced from the construction of each 2,000 square foot building. Waste generated through construction ranges from basic materials like … Continue reading

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Why Should Companies Recycle Their Waste Products?

Recycling has fast become a buzzword for everyone who is anyone that speaks about the environment. But what kind of effect does it have? How does it really help? Recycling most certainly helps out the environment first and foremost. Instead … Continue reading

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