An anti-slip surface is essential for footbridges and road bridges as both are subject to weight and require the highest levels of safety for pedestrians and drivers. A Thorgrip™ anti-slip surface provides the long service life, minimal maintenance and low initial and whole life cost that these bridge decks require. We have previously surfaced numerous projects throughout the UK and some examples can be found by visiting our bridges portfolio.

Thortech International are approved applicators of all Thorgrip™ systems, Stirling Lloyd SafeTrack HW MMA Anti Slip System, and BridgeMaster MMA Combined Waterproofing and Anti Slip System.

Thortech International can provide surfacing for new concrete, steel, or timber structure. Or refurbish an existing structure, with either complete removal of old surfacing, or localised repairs.

Enquire about Thortech Bridges & Marine services now